Bio Life Decor Wood
Bio Life colour decor wood
Bio Life colour decor wood is a natural ground cover coloured with soil paint appropriate from ecological point of view, made out of 100% pure, debarked pine, poplar, hornbeam, beech, oak and other kinds of timber. Bio Life colour decor wood is a recycled product made solely of waste wood. The colour decor wood manufactured with unique technology is weatherproof and very decorative through its colouring with lasting paint, and it offers you possibilities for creative composition for the durable care and beauty of your garden. Bio Life colour decor wood inhibits the unpleasant weed roots and protects the soil from clogging in a natural way. Even in case of long-lasting dryness it keeps the water balance of the soil within favourable physiological conditions, protects it from drying out and erosion. Bio Life colour decor wood is suitable for the covering of implanted gardens, tree and bush beds, surfaces that remained empty. It is available in red, yellow, blue, green, brown colours.
Break up the soil evenly. Relieve the surfaces to be planted and garden beds of root and seed weeds carefully. After planting spread out Bio Life colour decor wood in the weed-free bed in 5-7cm thick layer. In case of shallow-rooted plants, e.g. rhododendrons, the plants must be dunged with nitrogen before covering. In 2-3 years the isolating layer must be completed with 3-5cm Bio Life colour decor wood.
Bio Life colour decor wood is suitable for the decoration of indoor and outdoor potted plants, as well. As a naturally elastic cover Bio Life colour decor wood is perfectly suitable for the decoration of garden parks, paths, playgrounds, sports grounds, too.
Bio Life Decor Wood
For covering plant areas, garden beds, garden paths. It protects the soil from drying out, siltation and erosion. It inhibits the growth of weed.
Bio Life colour decor wood: 10-60 mm. Quantity: 60 l.
In the course of replanting the general hygienic rules (work-clothes, washing) must be observed.
It is forbidden to release the produce or the packaging into standing waters or rivers, reservoirs.
Responsible Distributor/ Producer:
Bio Life Körös Bt. Hungary 6200 Kiskőrös, Martini utca 1/1.
Tel/Fax: 00 36-78 / 311-262